Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have been quite proud of the progress that I have made since starting anew 5 weeks ago. I have been eating better, exercising and losing weight at a steady rate. As I mentioned in a previous post I have been completely focused on weight loss and not dealing with anything else. My routine has been pretty straight forward--wake up in the morning, prepare my food for the day, go to work, come home, exercise, go to bed. I have been quite fortunate that I haven't had many outside distractions to detour me from my goals.

I believe that this week is going to be the first big test I have had on this journey. I am meeting friends tonight for dinner and bowling. I am attending a meeting tomorrow night after work. I have family coming to stay at our house this weekend, and I am hosting a dinner party on Saturday. Those of you with really busy schedules are thinking "What's the big deal?" For me it is a big deal because I am easy thrown off track. It only takes a meal or two of bad eating and I am right back to where I started--eating junk and hanging out on the couch instead of exercising. I am determined to not let all of this hard work go to hell in a handbasket!

Wish me luck this week. I know that luck isn't really going to help me, but it definitely can't hurt.

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