Sunday, January 27, 2008

Update - Day 4

Well, here I am on day four of my journey, and I am still hanging in there. I won't lie, I have been feeling quite hungry, but that is probably normal when you start restricting your calories after being used to eating everything in sight. I have this horrible habit of eating until I feel stuffed and that is one of the issues that I need to tackle with myself. Actually, I have quite a few food and eating issues that I need to tackle, but right now I am just focusing on getting my caloric intake within the correct range. I am afraid that if I jump head first into this new lifestyle and change all of my bad habits at once that it will only result in failure. Failure is something that I am not ready for, nor willing to accept, this time around. I am trying to take things one day at a time and slowly transform my eating and exercise habits.

I do not have any idea if I have lost any weight because I am boycotting the scale until Valentine's Day (February 14th). I will admit that it has been quite hard to stay off of the scale, but it seems to be getting easier every day, at least that is what I keep telling myself.

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